SEO Basics: How Content Marketing Can Grow Your Business

How content marketing can grow your business, SEO, Website audit, ITVIBES Houston Texas

by | Nov 14, 2018 | Business Tips

Every business wants, and needs, to be found online. The question is, how? The real question is how can this make my business grow? We’re giving some basics on both of these topics as we dive into the world of content marketing and explain how it can benefit you. Is your content marketing strategy working for or against your small business? Learn more with these helpful tips. Share on X

How Content Marketing Can Grow Your Business

There are key concepts every content marketer should know to help customers increase their online visibility:

  • Establish and maintain brand reputation
  • Understand how to increase website conversions
  • Rank higher online
  • Build customer loyalty

Using a professional team will make all of these processes more effective.

Improve Brand Reputation

Your brand essentially represents you, your business, and what you stand for, usually at a quick glance from a potential customer. People are interested in others’ opinions. A great way to improve or expand on your reach or exposure is to show customer testimonials or reviews on your website, social media, and other marketing platforms. Managing a Google Business page that links to your website and displays reviews gives you credibility in your control of the overall customer satisfaction of your services. There are many more routes to reputation management including Facebook and Yelp.

Increase Website Conversions

Have you ever typed in a search topic and landed on a website only to realize that the content was not at all what you were seeking out? Most of us have, and it can be frustrating. Avoid losing visitors and gain customers by first spending time on creating high-quality content that is directly related to your services, and then always adding an opportunity to encourage the visitor to take an action. This “call to action” could be prompting the visitor to subscribe to your newsletter, providing their email address to download an eBook you’re offering, or even following your social media pages. These calls-to-action will help build the trust you need to keep the visitor coming back and keep your name in their minds for the next time they need your services.

Rank Higher Online

“How do I rank higher online?”
This is one of the most common questions in the digital marketing industry. There are many answers, and the one we’d like to focus on today is creating an SEO strategy behind the content that’s on your website. That doesn’t mean just listing your services and contact information and hoping to be found on search engines. The short of it is to use research and analysis to target your audience and what they’re really searching for when they’re looking for a product or service you provide. Then, implement those relevant phrases into your website content. Creating blog posts consistently is a great way to do this. It takes time, but it works.

Pro tip: There are many online tools available to help with gaining website visibility.

Build Loyalty

It’s going to be beneficial to your business to build and maintain customer relationships. An example of staying in the customers’ mind would be through monthly or quarterly e-newsletters. These could let them know of events that have been going on in the company or simply to reach out and say hello. This helps show your customers that you appreciate them and want to continue to nurture the business relationship.

Work With a Professional Team

Accomplishing these practices effectively takes time, analysis and diligence. At ITVibes, that’s exactly what we do for our clients. We work hard to get you the results you want. If you’re unsure how well your content is performing, try our free website audit tool to identify problems and pinpoint potential opportunities.
Contact Us to discover how we can help your business reach your goals!