4 Common Website Problems to Fix Immediately

4 Common Website Problems to Fix Immediately, ITVibes, Houston

At some point, we’ve all encountered a website that was simply lackluster. Maybe the problem was obvious–the page continually loaded or a crucial link led to an error message. Sometimes, though, a website may simply feel “off” and lead you to look for a competitor’s website instead. Are similar problems holding your own website back?
It’s sometimes tricky to identify issues on a website you yourself created, but your visitors will definitely find problems. Fix these problems to keep potential customers on your website. #ITVibes #webdesign Share on X

What’s Wrong with Your Website?

If your website proves to be too difficult to navigate or understand, potential customers will go back to Google to find an alternative. That means lost revenue for you. Don’t let that happen! Identify and fix these all-too-common website errors:

  1. Barriers to usability
  2. Unhelpful website name
  3. Info-dumping
  4. No calls to action

1) Barriers to Usability

This rather broad issue can take several different forms. However, it usually manifests itself as one of two problems. First, your website may simply be confusing to navigate. Even if your links all lead to the right places, improperly labeling or placing those links can confuse a visitor. And if they can’t find what they’re looking for quickly, chances are they’ll just leave.
Second, your website may not work well on a mobile device. This is a particularly significant problem since so many people surf the internet on their phones or tablets now. Significant formatting errors or slower loading speeds on mobile will, once again, lead customers to search elsewhere. After all, a competitor that knows to build a quality mobile site knows what they’re doing. Don’t inadvertently promote your competition this way!

2) Unhelpful Website Name

Your website’s name should clearly indicate the name of your business, your service area, and what you offer. Your URL should also reflect the website title without exactly replicating it. If either one is too generic or misrepresents your business’s offerings, it’s time for a change.

3) Info-Dumping

Have you ever watched a movie or read a book where the characters drone on and on about a particular topic that’s only tangentially relevant at the moment? That’s called exposition, and while every well-written story needs some of it, lumping it all together is sometimes called “info-dumping” and regarded as a mark of lazy writing.
Professional websites can be guilty of this same mistake. No one wants to be assaulted by a wall of brightly colored images, text, or videos the second they click on your website. Spread the information out on your website and show customers what they need to know when they need to know it. Someone interested in your car repair services, for instance, doesn’t necessarily need or want to read the colors of paint you offer for aesthetics. Sort your topics accordingly and let the customers look for what they want.

4) No Calls to Action

Finally, visitors may not convert into customers simply because they aren’t sure how. Without a clearly defined call to action, your website becomes just a colorful online flyer. Encourage customers to contact you or buy from you and prominently display links showing where to do so. Make the whole process as streamlined as possible to encourage people to stick with you.

Optimizing Your Web Presence

Proper website design and information distribution can mean the difference between a converted customer and a lost opportunity. If your website performance is lackluster, it may be time for a change.
Contact us to start building your new and improved website today!