3 SEM Best Practices to Know for Improvement

In growth marketing, it’s crucial to know search engine marketing (SEM) best practices before jumping into the ranking game. Google ads and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising are a sure-fire way to achieve your traditional marketing goals. These objectives can be achieved through a variety of digital marketing tactics. 

Rank higher among search engines with these growth marketing best practices! #ITVibes #growthmarketing #digitalmarketing Share on X

How can you maximize your bottom line with SEM? 

In order to gain traction with your campaigns, whether you are doing so through email marketing, social media marketing, or video marketing, you’ll want to have a thorough strategy that drives conversions. You can achieve this by targeting specific audiences, aligning your strategy with its objectives, and understanding the buyer decision journey.

  1. Focus on Audience Targeting
  2. Align Your Strategy & Objectives
  3. Understand the Decision Journey

1) Focus on Audience Targeting

Who is it that you’re trying to reach with your ad campaigns? Your growth marketing strategy should include targeted audiences with unique search characteristics. Consider factors such as behavior, demographics, and context for a more detailed buyer persona. Then, apply your keyword research to the different stages of the customer journey: Awareness, Consideration, Conversion, Maintenance, and Experience.

2) Align Your Strategy & Objectives

What are your objectives for your current search campaigns? Goals like building brand awareness, gaining new leads, driving conversion rates, and joining new markets should be in alignment with your SEM strategy. Consider the long-term objectives you want to achieve when creating your paid search ad copy.  

3) Understand the Decision Journey

Where are your customers in their buying journey? There are five key stages in purchase intent that customers share: 

  1. Awareness – the customer has a problem that needs to be solved.
  2. Consideration – the customer is considering their options, and you have solutions.
  3. Intent – earning trust from the potential customer through landing pages with reviews and benefits of your product or service.
  4. Purchase – the customer is ready to make a purchase that solves their problem.
  5. Renewal – the customer is satisfied with your product or service and will repurchase it in the future.

Hiring Professional Search Engine Marketing Services

These SEM best practices are used every day by digital marketing professionals. A digital marketing company with experience in SEO and brand management can best strategize your PPC and SEM goals. When you’re ready to start gaining leads and ranking higher on search engines, choose a trusted digital marketing team like ITVibes for the best results.

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